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deduceNobodySwitvhOffLight() - Method in class eurecom.web.service.M3WS
deduceSnowSuggestActivity() - Method in class eurecom.web.service.TourismWS
Get all activities related to weather measurements This is a new scenario to test a more complicated rule involving two sensors at the same time
deduceSnowSuggestGarment() - Method in class eurecom.web.service.TourismWS
Get all garments related to weather measurements This is a new scenario to test a more complicated rule involving two sensors at the same time
deduceSnowSuggestSafetyDevicesActions() - Method in class eurecom.web.service.TransportWS
Get all safety devices related to weather measurements This is a new scenario to test a more complicated rule involving two sensors at the same time
deleteEndLabel(String) - Static method in class eurecom.sparql.result.ExecuteSparqlGeneric
delete @en dans les labels
deleteEntity(Key) - Static method in class eurecom.store.jdo.UtilJDO
Delete the entity from persistent store represented by the key
deleteEntity(List<Key>) - Static method in class eurecom.store.jdo.UtilJDO
Delete list of entities given their keys
deleteMeasurementSaved(String, String) - Static method in class eurecom.store.jdo.GenericJDO
Delete product entity
deleteTypeXsd(String) - Static method in class eurecom.sparql.result.ExecuteSparqlGeneric
describe(String) - Static method in class eurecom.web.service.STACWS
Domain - Class in eurecom.data.converter
The domain where is deployed the sensor described in the SenML language
Domain() - Constructor for class eurecom.data.converter.Domain
driverState(String) - Method in class eurecom.web.service.TransportWS
Deduce driver's state Seems it doeas not work anymore Maybe wrong sensore measurements Check rules and M3 converter